Berry Feith en Luuk Schreven - 'Poster sessie Volkstellingen 1795 - 1971'
Bijeenkomst virtuele volkstelling, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) en SISWO/Instituut voor Maatschappijwetenschappen
Amsterdam (Nederland), 11 november 2003

Henk Laloli - 'Family formation and social mobility; Life courses in Amsterdam, 1850-1940'
The Department of Geography of the University of Portsmouth, in association with the Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS), 'GIS in the arts and humanities, a four day summer school'
Portsmouth (Engeland), 8 - 11 september 2003

Michelle van den Berk en Peter Doorn - ' A data archiving disaster: The Dutch population census of 1960'
XVth International Conference of the Association for History and Computing (AHC), 'Objects and Ethics: Computers in Historical and Social Science Research'
Tromsø (Noorwegen), 6 - 9 augustus 2003

Kees Mandemakers en Peter Doorn - 'Life courses in context. A collaboratory based on Dutch population registers and censuses in the 19th and 20th century'
XVth International Conference of the Association for History and Computing (AHC), 'Objects and Ethics: Computers in Historical and Social Science Research'
Tromsø (Noorwegen), 6 - 9 augustus 2003

Luuk Schreven - 'Providing access to the Dutch population census of 1971'
XVth International Conference of the Association for History and Computing (AHC), 'Objects and Ethics: Computers in Historical and Social Science Research'
Tromsø (Noorwegen), 6 - 9 augustus 2003

Luuk Schreven - 'Providing access to the Dutch population census of 1971'
Association of Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST), 'Strength in Numbers'
Ottawa (Canada), 28 - 30 mei 2003

Last modified: 22-05-2006 15:21